Friday, June 25, 2010




1. an inspiring or animating action or influence: I cannot write poetry without inspiration.
2. something inspired, as an idea.
3. a result of inspired activity.
4. a thing or person that inspires.
5. Theology .
a. a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
b. the divine quality of the writings or words of a person so influenced.
6. the drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation.
7. the act of inspiring; quality or state of being inspired.

i found the inspiration.
meat-free for almost two weeks.(:

be your own inspiration.<3
i love art, but i can barely color in the god forsaken lines.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

i haven't ate meat all week, and i won't this is my longest streak in 2010 and i be damned if i fuck it up! ;D monday my mom made rotel dip and i almost caved, but i didn't. i know, if i can turn down rotel i'm on the right track! hm, my mom almost took my cell last night because of a misunderstanding and i almost fell apart. other than that, my life has been alright. still in love.(:

remember: be your own inspiration.<3
aren't cherry blossom's just beautiful?

Monday, June 14, 2010

no excuses.

i ate a hotdog&a pork chop. i'll do better today, hopefully.

i went to bay's lake, hung out with my boy, and got my hair braided.
outcome: i can't go anywhere today cause my dad hates me. that's fine with me, because i hate him too. :)

remember: be your own inspiration.<3

Sunday, June 13, 2010

hotdogs, splash pad, bay's lake, and blake.(:

first of all, let me admit my shame. i ate a hamburger yesterday. one single solitary hamburger. when i got to the picnic they slowly forced me to cook more than 100 hotdogs. i was hot, tired, and delirious. BUT that's no excuse i ate it and it was my fault, i'll do better today.

now to the fun stuff: then we took the little kids to the splash pad and they had a BALL! it was really hot and all of a sudden i got the urge to jump into some water :D so, i mentioned it to my cousin and all of a sudden we had like a mini party at bay's lake here's everyone who went:

in my car a '95 camaro 2d(very small):
sasha(shunda's friend)

in my brother's car his is small but bigger than mine:
darell(my other brother)
chasity(darell's gf)
callie(chasity's daughter)
nate(chasity's nephew)
and like a whole bunch of their friend's including chasity's sister was there.

if you have never been to bay's lake it's out in bankston if you find it i promise you, you'll trip out how much fun it is! and blake getting to go along made it all the better.(: i had never been there before and i really thought it was gonna be lame but after i got comfy with the water i enjoyed myself. it has a little waterfall-type thing. it was cool, i think everyone had fun. just wish i coulda stayed a little longer. i have a feeling, i'm gonna be going out there a LOT this summer; :D

oh ya, and remember it's summer, please enjoy yourself but do it safely. you CAN have fun and be serious all at the same moment.

be your own inspiration.<3

Friday, June 11, 2010

the early bird gets confidence(:

so, it's friday and i'm up at 5:30. my mom says: are you ready? i say: no, i'm going back to sleep.
yah, it ends up i get up anyway which is prolly the most rational thing i have ever done. we went walking downtown, she always does it but i never do. i wasn't going to go but i thought to myself: ill be kicking my own ass if i don't. so, i did. :) and i already see the benefits. i'm a little sleepy, but it didn't help i went to bed at midnight... why am i own here so early, you may ask. because, today i open the museum! :) and after that jobshadowing orientation, so i know if i don't do it now i won't. so guess what i did yesterday? i didn't eat one single solitary piece of meat! well, i think i might've missed a little piece of pepperoni off my pizza last night...): but nevertheless, today will be a better day! this is what i consumed yesterday, in no order:

4 boiled eggs*
3 large pizza slices
beef ramen noodles
bag of doritos
3 c. pickle juice
3 bottles water
3c of  green koolaid

*i don't eat the egg yolk, just the white parts*

thinkin i did pretty coolio compared to what i was doin X) so, yah. our church is having a picnic tomorrow and the most non-meat thing there will be the drinks probably. so i thought i'd do something different and bring a dish i can eat! any ideas? i'm thinkin fruit salad or grape salad. or hell, i might just bring my own lunch if push comes to shove.(that's prolly what i'll do if i can't find anything to bring.)

have a great day, and remember: be your own inspiration.<3

Thursday, June 10, 2010

my greatest disappearing act.

so, obviously i haven't blogged in a month yesterday. sorry about that, i promise i will try to blog....weekly. i've mostly been getting used to doing nothing but like, washing dishes apx. twice a day. washing my clothes and cleaning my room whenever and not just on the weekend because i'm like, SWAMPED with school crap. oh ya, and i have a boyyy(: he's like sooo amazing, it's ridiculous. but guess what? my parent's don't like him of course...well, my mom really doesn't have a problem with him. she just doesn't want me to see him like EVERYDAY to prevent us from getting "too serious" which is too late, because im in love. or at least it feels something like that. my dad doesn't like him because of the obvious, he's white. but, as far as i'm concerned, i could care less my dad's opinion on anything. i was talkin to it about my aunt and this was her advice:

don't worry about what they say,
in life you have to make yourself happy.
they can't be in charge of what does and
doesn't make you happy. you're almost 17,
they need to start letting you go, if they don't
you'll leave.

i swear, truer words were never spoken, and i'll remember these words for the rest of my life.(:

sooo moving on to a lighter subject ;D i've been trying to decide what i was gonna busy myself with this summer. welp, unfotunately i'm too young to volunteer at the hospital soooo, i'm JOBSHADOWING! how great is that? i'm not gonna be doing anything in the medical field i'm almost pretty sure. but, i guess it never hurt anyone to make sure you know? i go for orientation for it tomorrow...i'm sooo EXCITED. mostly because i wanted to and no one told me to do it d: oh ya! and there was an ad in the good ole' times record for anyone interested in volunteering at the depot museum, it's only select days. so i called and that's what i'll do tomorrow morning.

something else, i SAID i was gonna go vegetarian this summer and had gave up on it just because of personal reasons. but for some reason my great friend rachel(: you prolly know her firom her wonderful blog about mostly fashion, music, and vegetariansim. she inspires me, like a lot. so, i'm gonna try to give it another go, with a little faith and hope: it will happen. i'm gonna take a little time out of my day to meditate on it, and keep it in my mind. so hopefully, it's all i think about and it'll be easier, starting today! go me! :)

well...i guess that's it and i'll start getting caught up on everyone's life through blogger this morning. hope you all have/had a good day.

maybe one or more of these will inspire you a fraction as much as rachel inspired me today:

when oppurtunity doesn't knock, build a door.

and something i had to realize on my own: happiness is free.

stop the daily routines: live for once.

courage does not always roar,
sometimes courage is the quiet voice
at the end of the day saying:
"i will try again tomorrow."

giving up doesn't always mean you are weak,
sometimes it means you're strong enough to let go.

kind words can be short and easy to speak; but their echos are truly endless.

be your own inspiration.<3