don't worry about what they say,
in life you have to make yourself happy.
they can't be in charge of what does and
doesn't make you happy. you're almost 17,
they need to start letting you go, if they don't
you'll leave.
i swear, truer words were never spoken, and i'll remember these words for the rest of my life.(:
sooo moving on to a lighter subject ;D i've been trying to decide what i was gonna busy myself with this summer. welp, unfotunately i'm too young to volunteer at the hospital soooo, i'm JOBSHADOWING! how great is that? i'm not gonna be doing anything in the medical field i'm almost pretty sure. but, i guess it never hurt anyone to make sure you know? i go for orientation for it tomorrow...i'm sooo EXCITED. mostly because i wanted to and no one told me to do it d: oh ya! and there was an ad in the good ole' times record for anyone interested in volunteering at the depot museum, it's only select days. so i called and that's what i'll do tomorrow morning.
something else, i SAID i was gonna go vegetarian this summer and had gave up on it just because of personal reasons. but for some reason my great friend rachel(: you prolly know her firom her wonderful blog about mostly fashion, music, and vegetariansim. she inspires me, like a lot. so, i'm gonna try to give it another go, with a little faith and hope: it will happen. i'm gonna take a little time out of my day to meditate on it, and keep it in my mind. so hopefully, it's all i think about and it'll be easier, starting today! go me! :)
well...i guess that's it and i'll start getting caught up on everyone's life through blogger this morning. hope you all have/had a good day.
maybe one or more of these will inspire you a fraction as much as rachel inspired me today:

when oppurtunity doesn't knock, build a door.

and something i had to realize on my own: happiness is free.
stop the daily routines: live for once.
courage does not always roar,
sometimes courage is the quiet voice
at the end of the day saying:
"i will try again tomorrow."
giving up doesn't always mean you are weak,
sometimes it means you're strong enough to let go.
kind words can be short and easy to speak; but their echos are truly endless.
be your own inspiration.<3
dionne, you are one of the most amazing people i know. i am so honored to be referred to in your blog! <3 those sayings (especially the first one & the last one) inspired me greatly. "get inspired or be depressed." people should realize this is in their hands!
ReplyDeletealso, if you need any help with your vegetarianism this summer, contact me. i've got some great cookbooks/recipes you're welcome to. :D
& volunteering at the depot museum: i had no idea about this! it's what i get for not reading the paper... where did you get the number? i might try my hand at this as well! :)
(sorry for the novel-comment! ^^")
it's cool! i love to get feedback.(: and no problem, you and anna are two of the better people that i know.