Thursday, July 1, 2010

surrounded by uncertainty that i'm so unsure of.(:

thought i should post SOMETHING so all i gots is:

still meat-free;

chicago tomorrow.(:
suite hotels=fun.
cool, neon yellow/green polish.(:[because my mommy loves meh.]

still very much in love with blake alexander. he got me this thingy that i hang on my rearview mirror; a hand throwin up a peace sign, cause i'm always doin that(: one month was last wednesday. thought it was sweet of him, considerin i didn't get him anythin and it's something that i like, i absolutely ADORE it, it SO fits me. some cool heels from belk, and my mommy got me some tanks.[again, she loves me.] and i found a pair of shoes i've had since the 8th grade only wore them like twice, they're in great condition and i fell in love with them again.
had a really bad night the other night(long story).
anddd....i'm just bein lazy and enjoyin my summer, still tryin to find myself!

oh ya, and i'm positive engineering is the way to go fer me. now which school? xD i'm thinkin MUW but we'll see, ima deff have to take the ACT again in the fall and make a lil higher cause that 23 ain't gettin it at the moment lolz. i NEED scholarships, anyone wanna donate me some mulah? didn't think so... d:

be your own inspiration.<3

who's gonna change the world for me?


  1. that picture is amazing!
    also, congrats to you for being meat-free! i'm proud of you. :)
    by the by, i gave you a blog award because i loveee this blog. it's here.

  2. aahh yes! be your own change! :D i agree! :D

    Animated Confessions
